Results for "Marine"
Showing results 141 - 160 of 169
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Scoping and preparing an Environmental Impact Assessment for marine development
Guidance for developers on scoping an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Marine mammal management units in habitat regulations assessments
- No. 4 of 2023: Marine safety in the Dee conservancy
- Marine licensing low risk activities (band 1)
Harbour porpoise: assessing the effect from underwater noise on their behaviour
You will need to assess the effects of disturbance to harbour porpoise if your marine development activity generates underwater noise
- ORML2233 Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Marine Licence
Marine development: submitting proposals for project level adaptive management
Guidance for developers on what to include in an adaptive environmental management plan
Request a sampling plan for a dredge or disposal marine licence application
How to apply for a sediment sampling plan and what to do when you receive it
- Apply to discharge conditions and/or for monitoring approvals of your marine licence
Request an environmental impact assessment (EIA) scoping opinion for a marine licence
How to request a an EIA scoping opinion
- MMML1670 Variation to marine licence for aggregate dredging in the Severn Estuary
- ORML2233 - Marine Licence for a fixed offshore windfarm named Awel y Môr
- Public register: environmental permitting, water resources and marine licensing information
- New marine Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas
Dee Conservancy: Performance against the safety plan for marine operations 2024
A formal review of the DCMSMS was carried out by the Duty Holder in conjunction with the Designated Person and the Dee Conservancy Harbour Master (DCHM) on 12 November 2024.
What to include in your marine development scoping report for EIA
How to structure your report and what topics to include
Core principles for including restoration or enhancement in a marine or coastal development proposal
We have five core principles for planners considering enhancement as part of a development proposal
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