Results for "Marine"
Building resilience of marine ecosystems
This theme looks at what we understand about the marine environment around Wales and how we can build the resilience of our marine ecosystems
Offshore wind developments
Resources for marine developers
- Coast and marine
Marine Character Areas
Our national seascape character and visual resource mapping for Wales.
- Marine and coastal evidence reports
Applying for a marine licence
Overview of the factors used to assess licence applications
Marine licensing: decisions
Find documents relating to decisions which require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or are considered of high public interest
- Marine licence applications 2019
- Marine licence applications 2020
- Marine licence applications 2021
- Marine licence applications 2022
- Marine licence applications 2023
- Marine licence applications 2024
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone
Find out how Skomer's wildlife is protected.
Marine protected areas
Find out about how our seas and their habitats and species are protected
Marine safety in the Dee Conservancy
How to navigate safely in the Dee Estuary
Our approach to marine advice
How we provide guidance and advice for activities in Welsh waters
- Marine and coastal evidence priorities
Marine licence application forms
Find application forms to download, along with information about how to submit completed applications
Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities (AWAA) Project
We have assessed, and mapped where possible, the sensitivity of marine biotopes and species to the pressures from eleven types of marine aquaculture activities.