Flood consequence assessment: flood model checklist
If you're providing a hydraulic model to support your Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA) you will also need to include a flood model checklist.
Use our flood model checklist template or write your own with the checklist below.
1.1 Has there been contact with NRW prior to modelling? If Yes please give details
1.2 Does the report contain sufficient details on model build, decisions and assumptions made?
1.3 Have limitations of the model been discussed/reported?
1.4 Was data requested from NRW?
1.5 Is there an NRW model at the site?
1.6 Was the NRW model used and licenced?
1.7 Have the changes been documented in the model report?
Hydrological assessment
2.1 Is the hydrology assessment in accordance with the latest version of GN008 (v3 published December 2024?
2.2 Has the hydrology calculation record been completed?
3.1 Is there evidence of site visit(s)?
3.2 Are the objectives of the analysis clearly set out?
3.3 Is the analysis appropriate to meet these objectives?
Survey data
4.1 Is data source stated?
4.2 Is method stated?
4.3 Is survey current? If no see 4.4
4.4 Has check survey been performed?
4.5 Are E stations listed?
4.6 Has sufficient data been collected?
4.7 Are levels to Ordnance Datum?
4.8 Is data in electronic format?
4.9 Is data georeferenced? If not provide location plan
4.10 Is LiDAR data current?
4.11 Is the resolution of the LiDAR suitable?
Historic information
5.1 Is the data used current?
5.2 Is the data used appropriate?
Hydraulic model
6.1 Has both a 'baseline model' and 'development model' been submitted to NRW?
6.2 Build
6.3 Is the model the correct type?
6.4 Are the inflow locations in the correct place within the model domain?
6.5 Are the inflows the same as those stated in the report?
6.6 Are model run-time log/check files included?
6.7 Has the recommended data management structure for the software package been used?
6.8 Is model cross-section spacing appropriate?
6.9 Does model extend far enough upstream and downstream?
6.10 Do the reach lengths match survey data and/or 2d representation?
6.11 Is grid/mesh size appropriate?
6.12 Is model timestep appropriate?
6.13 Have buildings been represented appropriately?
6.14 Have any non-default settings been used 1d & 2d?
6.15 Are roughness (Mannings) values sensible?
6.16 Is the downstream boundary appropriate?
6.17 Are structures and floodplain features modelled appropriately?
6.18 Has the appropriate range of flows/tides been modelled?
6.19 Have sensitivities been run?
6.20 1D model
6.21 Are model cross-sections widths appropriate?
6.22 Have interpolated sections been kept to a minimum?
6.23 1D-2D linked model
6.24 Does the 1d cross section width and levels match the 2d representation?
6.25 Results
6.26 Have third party impacts been calculated correctly?
6.27 Has the Welsh Government Climate Change guidance been adopted?
6.28 Has breach/blockage analysis been considered?
6.29 Are there any model stability issues?
7.1 Are mapped outlines supplied?
7.2 Are the mapped outputs/results realistic?
Model calibration and verification
8.1 Is calibration data available?
8.2 Does the model calibrate?
8.3 Is the calibration verified?
8.4 Does model pass reality check?
Intellectual property rights
9.1 Is the model intended to be used to update the NRW mapping or flood risk products?
9.2 Appropriate IPR granted to NRW?
9.3 Flood Map Challenge Requirements
9.4 Have buildings been represented correctly?
9.4 Have undefended runs been provided?
Flood Map Challenge Requirements
10.1 Have buildings been represented correctly?
10.2 Have undefended runs been provided?